Reviewer: Janet Martineau

Never thought I would ever type the following about a serious real-life issue…sexual assault.

But, then, “The ‘Winkleigh Murders,” which opened Pit and Balcony’s 89th season virtually on Friday night, is not in any way a typical play.

March 14, 2020 | Jason Applegate

A play about a cosmic force that descends upon humanity without warning was ironically a pleasant escape considering the week we have all faced. Managing Director Amy Spadafore had a very difficult decision when she determined that the show must go on, and I commend her for making it. Spadafore decided to reward the hard work of the artists involved with a public performance, and it certainly made for a night of laughter at the end of an unusually stressful week.

March 14, 2020 | Jessica McFarland

In a nice change of pace from it’s more youth-oriented programming, Pit and Balcony has staged 2016’s Meteor Shower, a more mature four-person comedy by Steve Martin (yes, that Steve Martin). Of course, with the current Coronavirus fears running rampant, Pit was left with a much smaller audience than usual opening night. Still, the show must go on (although next weekend’s performances are cancelled), and I can safely say I haven’t heard such a small audience so engaged with a comedy in a long time.

January 25, 2020 | Jessica McFarland

Considered by many to be The Great American Novel, Fitzgerald’s jazz age classic gets a new interpretation at Saginaw’s Pit & Balcony Theatre. If any of you somehow missed your high school required reading, The Great Gatsby follows Midwestern naif Nick Carraway in the summer of 1922 as he moves to New York City and becomes embroiled in the loves and scandals of the West Egg upper class.

January 25, 2020 | Jason Applegate

I must precede this review by confessing that The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald has always been one of my favorite novels. I love the poetic prose of the novel that encapsulates the Jazz era. I love the flawed characters who ironically believe the lie that their lives only have value if they are deemed successful by the very people who will do everything in their power to destroy any chance of their success.

Season 93 Sponsors

Sponsor AD

Sponsor Alphamedia

Art Sample


David & Zella Bueker Wallace Private Foundation & Charitable Trust


Frankenmuth Credit Union


F.P. Horak


Sponsor List





Sponsor Spicer


Team One Credit Union

Tri-Star Trust



Additional Funding Generously Provided By

Sponsor saginawArts

Sponsor MACC

Sponsor NEA

Sponsor hemlock

Sponsor summer

Sponsor Rotary Club of Saginaw